

Murukan was an innocent young man who migrated into this place from a Tamil family. His pretty wife Sisira was from this village itself and she was very beautiful. They also had a son who was two years old. Murukan was very familiar with the forest. But his life has become almost as that of a slave under the new forest ranger. His job was to satisfy whatever the ranger desired. He was so afraid of him and could only stand and accomplice the ranger in his cruel deeds. He even had to endure in silence the torment of his own wife being raped by the ranger.

He was so scared to resist the ranger.And finally, Murukan could only stand and watch his wife being kicked to death by the ranger when he realized she got pregnant. Murukan could not even make a cry, but fell unconscious watching his wife get murdered.

There finally he lost his mind and waited for the ranger with a knife in his hand. When the chance came, he plunged his knife into the ranger’s chest again and again with a straight expressionless face. He threw away that knife soaked in blood staring at the motionless corpse of the ranger. Then he took on his shoulder his screaming baby and walked coldly into the forest. Even the peaceful forest was silently screaming.